Know Your Passion

The art of painting consists of exploring nature with details
This leaf changed my perspective of seeing the nature.

Welcome to ArtShades

My journey of art began with my morning walk. It was one wintry day, when I found a withered leaf lying on the grass. As the sun rays filtered its surface, I stepped into a whole new world of exploration.

The amazing symmetry and patterns of the leaves fascinate me so much, I started collection of leaves. Soon leaves became the subject of my paintings. I would sit for hours at a time to study the details and then put all my efforts and skills in painting. Every painting from the very beginning gave me immense satisfaction that kept me going on. And now after half a decade, I find that my skills have improved significantly and my collection of leaves has been transformed into my collection of paintings.

After having a postgraduate degree in Computer Science, and teaching Computer Science for a few years in university, I was away from my passion of drawing. After some years I joined Matri Kala Mandir, New Delhi to have some disciplined time for practising my drawing and painting.

I started with acrylic and sketching for few years. I tried watercolor, from then my interest in it grew with time. I like to paint on different new subjects. Starting with leaves, I also got interested in Still Life, Wild life, Landscapes & Sculptures.

I was extremely thrilled after participating in exhibitions and winning several competitions.
-> OWSD Mauritius, Topic ' Expressing Science through Art', an International Non-Governmental Organisation, Winner in the Art competition 2021!
-> Botanical Art Agency of Korea - Pleasure being a part of wonderful International Exhibition 2021 !
-> "Splendid Colors of Indonesia" - Artwork has been selected to participate in the IWS Indonesia’s 4th International Competition & Exhibition at Galeri Nasional Jakarta, Indonesia, 2022.
-> "Magical Wings" - Artwork Selected in the I International Watercolour Festival of IWS-Arte21online "Córdoba, Watercolour and World Heritage" held in Córdoba (Spain) 2022.
-> "My Freedom" - Artwork selected in 6th International Coffee and Watercolor Contest and Exhibition - HOPE OF FREEDOM 2022.
-> "Sea and Cliffs" - Artwork selected at IWS Santiago Rural Marine Landscape Ist World Watercolor Contest 2022.
-> Artwork selected at The Power of Colors 1st International Jointly Organized Online Watercolor Contest, IWS Turkey Team
-> "Splendid Colors" - Artwork selected for the exhibition, catalog and award competition of the WATERCOLOR FOR ALL contest at IWS ATELIER GALLERY SANTIAGO 2022. -> Artwork selected for Watercolor without border 2nd " exhibition in Istanbul 2023

- Tamanna
New Delhi