Thanks for visiting ArtShades. This privacy policy is applicable to all users visiting this website. Personal Information means and includes information that can be linked to a specific person or to identify any person, such as name, address, phone and email. When you submit any information on this website, you agree that the info may be used by ArtShades to contact you for offering our new courses, offers etc. by post, SMS, email, phone, or other physical and / or electronic forms. We may also use the information that is submitted by you for our internal analysis and to improve our services. We may choose to retain that information until you request for its removal / deletion. We would never sell your personal information to any third party.

When you browse this web site, may choose to collect info about your domain and server / host from which you access the Internet, the IP address you are using, and collect anonymous statistics about your actions on our website, for example, the pages browsed by you, time spent on them, navigation flow etc. We may use the services of Google or other third parties to collect the statistics and analyze them for improving our products and services as well as improving our website. The vendors (including Google) may also use cookies to serve ads based on your past visits to our website. You may change your cookies' settings, for example by visiting Google’s Ad Services This privacy policy may be amended by us at any time, without prior notice.